Monday, December 13, 2010


Have you ever been away from say... your computer when you have an extreme desire to put something down on digital paper? (in my case, a story)

I was in an area where my inspiration match was getting struck. Then at one point BAM! we have a fire of inspiration burning.  I left the area and proceeded to make my way home to jot down my story.  Then I realized... my day out and about wasn't done yet I still had errands to do before I could go home.

I performed my tasks and got home.  Our dog naturally cussed me out when I walked in (he'd been home alone for hours) so I sat down and played with him.  From there I made it to my room.  Youtube had lots of subscription updates for me to watch.

"Oh a video on that"
"Wow a clip from that?"

After that and a bathroom break I realized something

"I need to write!"

I run back to my computer opened Blogger and then... Poof!!

Gone.  The fire died...

I waited too long and now my inspiration is out...

Does this happen to you often?

I'm working on reigniting my fire to write so have patience.

1 comment:

Josh said...

You killed it. You thought that youtube was more important. You're a failure, you fail Scott, you fail at being Scott.