Monday, December 20, 2010

VacaMission (Bleeding Rose)

Blue sea, white clouds, and a cool PBR.  Nothing could get better than this.  Well, maybe if we were on land instead of another ship, but this ship is way different than our combat carrier.  Breech was lost in thought while staring out at the crystal sea and Ratchet was having a gearhead orgasm over how intense this cruise ship is.

"Dakka look at this! its built with the same engine as our carrier! if only I could give them a few pointers at how they could optimize the system" Ratchet was doing what she did best, and trying to get her to relax would be hard so I figured I would leave her be.

"Hey Breech, see anything good out there?" Breech was in a world all her own, she didnt even hear me.

"Breech" I said again while pressing my frozen can to her neck.  She yelped and dropped her lemonade overboard.

"What the hell was that for?" Breech's empty eyes pierced through mine with violent effect.

"Sorry, you were so out of it I thought you might just fall over the railing if someone didnt bring you back to reality" maybe I was a little too casual.

"Well thanks to you my lemonade is gone, it was the best I've ever had" Breech looked down to see if she could spot her blue glass in the water.

"Here, lets go get you a new one, I'll buy one twice the size" I shook my can to see how much was left, I could use another.

"I dont know how you can drink that crap, we're on a multi-billion dollar cruise ship and you choose to drink that garbage" Breech said.

"Says the lightweight of the team.  Maybe the FNG will steal that title away from you when we get her" I finished off my drink and started for the bar, Breech met my stride and Ratchet disappeared, looking for more info on this ship.

"When will she be ready? we need the body right away" Breech said.

"Next week, she'll finish basic training, the week after that, she's ours" I replied.

"Two whole weeks? thats insane!"

"They've been having issues with her training so its dragged a little longer.  From the stats I've read she has some bad ass skills with shotguns" I said. I opened the door to the hall leading to the bar.

"Another close quarters expert? we dont need another one"

"She isn't just being trained in close quarters, she'll be trained in every skill we have. From my assault rifle skills to your fine precision sniping, to even Ratchets mad mechanic skills. She'll be good at everything"

"But doesn't that mean she won't excel at anything? she'll be the definition of average" Breech said.

"Well like I said she kicks ass at shotguns, so we can take advantage of that by teaching her the many ammunition types available to her" if she can't be an expert in any of our skills she she better be great at something, even if its shotgun specific.

"Whats her name? I havent heard anything about that" Breech was a little eager to know.

"Its MooK"


"Thats what I said"

"Thats... a little offensive, MooK the shotgun expert who also knows all our skills" Breech held her hands out like she were putting up a sign for a movie theater.

"Hey it wasn't my idea, thank the guys in basic for that one" I opened the door to the bar, why is it that bars are always so dark inside? that said how come its always so bright when the hangover arrives? its a mystery.

We took our seats and I ordered another PBR while Breech got her lemonade. Her hands were fidgeting.

"You seem tense, everything alright?" I asked.

"It just feels strange we're on company time and we're having the time of our lives"

"we're pretending to be on winter break from college, this is the one practical way we can keep an eye on our target" I started to whisper at this point no need to tell everyone what we're doing here.

"I just feel so vulnerable right now.  No gun, no badge, this is no place for a long range expert like me to be in"

"we'll get you your gun, and your nest once we get off this floating paradise, we're all about the mission.  Our drinks arrived and Breech snapped to a huge smile when she drew her glass closer and had a long sip of her lemonade.

The bar door opened and Ratchet stumbled in, she took the seat next to me.

"One white russian please" she sounded defeated.

"Whats your malfunction?" Breech said

"oh... I wanted to see the engine room but they wouldn't let me in"

"why would they? they have no reason to think you want to get in their for a good reason. For all they know you want to sabotage the engine"

"But WHY?!"

"Shhh!" me and Breech hush her in unison.

"buy why does it have to be like that, its not fair"

"just load your pipe and relax, we'll get you something to play with soon enough" I said.

"If I'm disappointed I'm going to scramble your computer when we get back"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wait... What?

Like I said before, my inspiration kinda died out.  But not before allowing me to do something completely silly.

"why did you do that?' you might ask.
"it seemed like a good idea at the time" I would reply

Do you know who is in this picture? its Sigmund Freud with Awesome  face.

Lets just say its my artistic method that this came about (and inspiration from someone I follow on multiple accounts)


Have you ever been away from say... your computer when you have an extreme desire to put something down on digital paper? (in my case, a story)

I was in an area where my inspiration match was getting struck. Then at one point BAM! we have a fire of inspiration burning.  I left the area and proceeded to make my way home to jot down my story.  Then I realized... my day out and about wasn't done yet I still had errands to do before I could go home.

I performed my tasks and got home.  Our dog naturally cussed me out when I walked in (he'd been home alone for hours) so I sat down and played with him.  From there I made it to my room.  Youtube had lots of subscription updates for me to watch.

"Oh a video on that"
"Wow a clip from that?"

After that and a bathroom break I realized something

"I need to write!"

I run back to my computer opened Blogger and then... Poof!!

Gone.  The fire died...

I waited too long and now my inspiration is out...

Does this happen to you often?

I'm working on reigniting my fire to write so have patience.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The end of another class

So my psychology class ends this wednesday, and you know what? I'm kinda sad about that.  Just as I was getting past my introverted personality, talking to some of the members of my class and whatnot BAM! its almost over.

I would have to say that the thing I didnt like about taking this class was that it was only a half semester long, not enough time for me to open up.  Oh well.

As I've been typing this I was immediately reminded to register for next semester, and I'm feeling pretty good now.  I just registered for the class I've been waiting forever to get into.  Intro to imaginative writing.  I'll finally be able to take a class based on my hobby! (directly based)

along with that I also filled holes in two other classes just in case I decide to take another.  I filled a seat in another psychology class and a seat in a philosophy class! aren't my choices kinda strange this semester? anyways we'll see what happens a few weeks from now and how my finances are at the time, if I can I would LOVE to take two classes at a time again, really occupy my time with more school (not nearly as much as someone else, looking at you Britt) but thats what I have been trying for lately.

I'm also going to ask my current teacher what he's teaching next semester cause I've really enjoyed him (I wish I did that with my last english teacher... oh well) so we'll see if that is taken into consideration as well.

I really enjoyed this psychology class, the only part that sucked was the lack of time to really get into the meat of everything (we dropped our group activity and a few other things to fit the essentials) and like I said I would really have liked to have gotten to know my classmates better as we really just started to get to know each other.

Heres to next semesters potentially promising adventures.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"we're having guests?" 2

Haven't said anything in a while.

How was your turkey day? my dad for the second time in a row brought guests.  Guests you say? try this on for size. My dad is a highschool principle and gets teachers from many places.  The guests he brought were his two Chinese language teachers who have only been in America since july.  He invited them over for thanksgiving and we showed them how to celebrate the holiday.  The food, the traditions, the conversations.  These were all brand new experiences for them from the mashed potatoes and gravy to the honeybutter spread for the rolls.

Talk about an interesting experience.

They were very polite and tried everything we offered to them, they even brought authentic potstickers for us to eat (I didn't like them that much, the sauce was too sour and the onion taste was too strong)

For the most part I just sat around in my grandpas old chair listening to my zune on random watching as our guests watched my uncle and probably wondered "is this guy nuts?" (yes... he is)

Thats about it for the excitement around here, life is still pretty dull.  School has been engaging though, been learning some interesting stuff in psychology. Freud, Pavlov, Id-Superego-Ego, addiction. All very interesting.

If your not on my facebook or my Youtube account I've been posting my best moments in Call of duty: Black ops, Why? because I can.  I've been having lots of fun with it.

I've had lots of Creative writing ideas, one in particular I really want to do, its just a random idea.  As the inspiration comes I'll get to it, but my supply of inspiration has been so dry I dare not even try.