Reapers Fall:
The London sky was filled with smog, casting a hue of brown and orange across the city. The streets were filled with lines of exhausted de-powered Reapers, now taken as prisoners by the Holy Order of Sacred Knights.
"the next group will live in the A-Ring, everyone with a mark of X on their shoulder will relocate immedieately" the announcer spoke through the radios cast about the city.
"c'mon Booster, this way" Jane said as she took his hand. They both had X and so were ordered to move. They wound through the streets till they found a blocked off area marked X. The living quarters were some rather luxurious houses.
"do we know how many people are in the X-Ring?" Booster asked.
"just you, me and Kaitlyn as far as i know, thats all i was able to hear" they approached the temporary door and earned access. They approached the first house and went in. After Jane set Booster down she looked around for items in the house. Almost everything was removed, food, beds, and a radio were the only things still in the house. Jane opened the fridge, the only food inside was the special mixture the Holy Order gave to keep everyone as tired as possible, while giving them enough energy to make it from area to area.
The front door opened, Jane approached with hesitance. The figure stepped in and removed their coat, it was Kaitlyn, she too had a aura of heavy fatigue about her.
"Kaitlyn, are you okay?" Jane stumbled towards her friend and helped her into the room where Booster was. Kaitlyn didnt say anything she just sat there with blank, empty eyes.
"K... whats the matter? say something" Jane repeated.
"considering that she hasnt said anything, she must've gotten one of the five curses" Booster rubbed his face as he spoke.
"what do you mean?"
"my sight has been heighened to the extent that it hurts to look at the light. either she cant speak cause it hurts or she cant speak cause her vocal chords are gone" Booster adjusted so he was lying down. Kaitlyn took the other side of the couch and tucked herself into a ball.
"I'm sorry you two, this is so horrible. if only Death hadnt given us that order-" Jane stumbled back, Kaitlyn had punched her in the stomach. She looked at Jane, she had tears rolling down her face. she didnt do anything but tuck herself back in.
"(sigh) I'm sorry K... s-sorry" it was getting dark. Three of them turned in for the night. Kaitlyn went into her own room and shut the door. Jane and Booster took the other room, she set him on the bed and she removed some bands from her coat.
"before we turn in, i want to change out the bands on your eyes" she heard Booster shuffle on the bed. He was getting scared, so scared that he fell onto the floor. He didnt say anything, he knew it would do no good. Jane stepped over to the light switch and stepped to the curtains.
"there, all the light is shut out, you wont see a thing" she approached him, he was trembling under her. She massaged his arm and his shaking slew down. Jane took in a deep breath and unraveled his bandages. As she removed the layers, Booster tried to make some small talk, to distract himself.
"heh... y'know with all these bandages on, i kinda feel like Solid Snake, and Riku. dontcha think?"
"i have no idea what your talking about"
"didnt i show you those games? i could've sworn"
"you probably did, i just dont pay attention to the crap you play"
"you did not just say... what i thought you said? Janey Waney"
"Boostie, your not in any position to tell me otherwise on anything, i can reach the switch from here" even after saying that, she didnt feel his trembling worsen, he knew she wouldnt do that.
"someday ill get you to play something with me, that i promise you" Jane bumped him on the head, she might have hit him harder than she meant to but she knew he would live through it.
"gagh... Tsundere smasher"
"I seriously dont know what your talking about" she got the last bandage off, the last thing to take off were Boosters smart glasses, they were the only thing he was able to see with. somehow he was able to look through the images without pain, why that was the case neither of them knew. the thermal imaging and vibration detection gave him a sense of awareness. she had to be careful when taking his glasses off. she decided to undo her ponytail and let her hair block out more possible light. She held herself over him and let her hair fall freely.
"Mmm, cherry and peppermint, whatever that stuff is you use keep using it" she hit him again, this time hard on purpose.
It was morning, the radio was blaring out names and locations like it always did. It was time to get registered so the three of them took off. The line was naturally long, but it moved quite quickley. As the three of them moved along they brushed up against people further back in the line as it passed through a narrow area. many Order members were watching the croud as it moved along, someone in the line lost their balance and fell into the other part of the line and fell into Booster. The two of them fell out of line and collided into an Order member. The Order member was enraged, he threw them off to the side, the stumbler landed on Booster and slipped something into his bandages.
"i-im so sorry about that" she said, the girl stood up. and ran off. Booster was confused, in his thermal imaging the girl seemed strange, the top of her head was yellow hot while the other side was cool green, that and her voice seemed so familiar. the girl ran off and the Order member chased after her. Jane and Kaitlyn ran to him.
"Booster, are you alright?" he stood up and looked in their direction. he nodded and smiled, the two girls sighed in relief and they got back in line. The three were at the end of the line, just as they went up to register, some of the Order Members grabbed them and set them aside.
"whats going on Jane?"
"i dunno Booster, just hang on for a sec" after a moment Genesis stepped out of a room. Her dark grin was present as ever.
"ah there they are, bring them in here" she said as she went back in.
The room was cold and dark, the only people inside were Jane, Booster, Kaitlyn, and Genesis. the three were sitting in chairs while Genesis walked back and forth.
"how have thing been for the three of you? good?" Genesis said as she stepped back and forth, favoring her bum leg.
"how can you ask us that, you know what we go through everyday, i feel like i forget someone every couple of hours"
"thats too bad, it feels pretty depressing actually" Genesis grabbed Janes coat and pulled her in close.
"Hm... ive never seen how bright those eyes of yours are, their pretty"
"Let her go Genesis" Booster said, looking in their general direction, his fist was trembling.
"please, just leave her alone"
"Booster shut up its alright"
"hmph... fine then" Genesis gave Jane a swift shot to the gut, then placed her in the seat again.
"finish your registration and go back to your quarters immediately, your time does not end today"
The three went back to their house as quick as they could. Jane slammed the door as hard as she could.
"damn that Mercedes, who does she think she is, treating me like that, i felt so vulnerable and weak, if only i had my power i wouldve ground her face into the curb, yeah that feels awesome right now" Jane was off in her thoughts. Booster recovered the item that was lodged in his bandages.
"Jane stop with the LULZ already and look at this for me please" Jane exhaled deeply and stepped over to him and took the item out of his hand.
"its a micro SD card"
"really? hand it over" Jane gave it back, and Booster wormed though the layers of bandages with cautious hands. he yelped as his eyes caught the light in the room.
"Booster! quick shut the curtains K"
"I'm alright Jane this might be important" he got the disk in place and set the bandages in place.
"good the disk was recognized. open file to view folders... play audio file" Booster was still as a statue as he listened to the file.
"Jane open your coat, is there anything in there?" Jane shuffled around in her coat and produced some energy supplements and metal wrist bands.
"yeah some energy bars and some high tec wrist bands of some sort" Booster went back to the recording and listened. he reached through the bandages and touched his glasses.
"whats going on? what are these for?" Jane asked.
"it would seem that Death was never caught. he's made a plan to get to Russell and the other high rank members of the Holy Order and put an end to all this"
"DEATH!!!" Kaitlyn yelled, she started to cough and dry heave from the pain in her throat. her devotion to Death was still high as ever.
"hold onto those we'll need them in the morning"
"what are the wristbands though?"
"their gifts from Khaos, they will restore our powers, for a limited amount of time, long enough to let us get away and rejoin Death and the others"
"this seems really risky, what about the other Reapers?"
"their wasnt anything about the others in here, I'm sure it means we are to assume what happens for the actions we take tomorrow" Jane could feel her guts sink to the bottom of her body as she thought about that. she did not like the plan, not one bit.
"everything will go down tomorrow, during the propaganda speech by the section leaders. while everyone is walking about tomorrow, Anna will cause a distraction, and we'll make our way out of here"
"Anna is here?"
"she was the one who crashed into me" Jane thought for a moment.
"this is going to be big, im really nervous about this"
It was morning, the propaganda speech was about to start, the three Reapers were caught in the middle of the crowd as they went about their daily routines. the three of them felt so much stronger than usual, the energy bars they got were doing their job.
"any moment now..." Booster said as he stood perfectly still. The radios started booming, the beginning of the speech was Russell talking about ideals and why the idea of the Reaper is inferior to his Holy Order.
"over there, look" Jane said as she saw a figure standing above the others. It was Anna, the Order Members approached her and started barking orders, she leapt off the small building and smashed the radio as she fell. she landed in a circle of Order Members and they attacked her, she produced a nightstick and took her opponents on head first. the crowd scattered in a minor panic, many of the Reapers joined in on the combat trying to do some good. Booster jumped in and snatched one of the Members E.M.O. Blades and took off.
"Jane, Kaitlyn, this way!" he said as he started running. the two caught up and they ran down the narrow corridors. Booster stopped for a second and fiddled with the sword.
"what are you doing? where are we going?"
"hush its almost done" Booster was gliding his fingers across the sword, moving and manipulating the parts within. after a moment the end of the handle opened and exposed a glowing green ball of energy.
"thats the tech Russell made to fight against us, what are you doing?"
"im rearranging the parts within so that the power can be better used, it was on the SD card" he snapped the case closed and the weapon was useable again. Booster twisted the handle and the blade separated into different shards, the center of the blade was glowing the same green color of the energy in the handle.
"alright lets go" after a while of running they came to a door at the end of an alley, there was a moment before the door opened.
"in here hurry please"
"MERCEDES!" Jane grabbed the sword from Booster and lunged at Mercedes. The tip of the blade struck her in the shoulder and pinned her against the wall.
"how DARE you treat me like that, how DARE you look down on me with those eyes of yours, how DARE you..." she just stood there and looked at Mercedes.
"Jane stand back and let her go now!" Booster grabbed her and pulled Jane back.
"Jane, she's on OUR side"
"What? you cant be serious"
"its true, Jane, we're all on the same side" Mercedes said as she rubbed the wound, after a second it was healed.
"we dont have much time we need to take down the generator and make our way out"
"what generator?" Booster asked.
"it wasnt in the disk you got, but if we destroy the AR generator all the Reapers will regain their powers and we'll be better off"
"who's idea was that? Deaths?" Booster asked.
"yes, he sent a message to me saying that if at all possible we are to shut it down, so that the others will at least have half a chance in here"
"alright then, Jane" Booster looked at her.
"what is it?"
"from here on out ill need you to guide me around, its too dark and i have low vibrations, so i cant see"
"please follow me, i know where to go" Mercedes gestured towards the hall.
they wove through the tight areas and made it to the generator.
"thats it, if we can just shut it down we'll be done and we can make it out of here"
"if you think you can shut that down you have another thing coming dear Genesis"
someone stood out from the shadows, it was Mason and Psalms. Mason was on one end and Psalms was standing in front of the entrance to the generator.
"yo-you guys are in a lot of... trouble" Psalm said, gripping his revolvers tight. Mason was loading his C96 replica as he stood in the room.
"Mason, Psalms, how did you find us?" Mercedes demanded.
"the Lordmaster wanted someone to guard the generator, so i gladly took the offer, he said that he was sure someone would try to interfere"
"Mercedes, Jane take care of Psalms, Kaitlyn back me up, Ill take care of Mason" Booster strapped the wristband on and pressed the button, Jane and Kaitlyn did the same. the three of them could feel ther power return. Mercedes summoned her Autobust weapon. the 'All Motor' was a giant axe themed after muscle cars that are naturally aspirated, motors that rely on their own strength to win the race.
Psalms stepped into the next room.
"c-come and get me if you c-can" he popped a few shots and stepped out. Jane and Mercedes engaged their opponent and Booster did the same.
"do you actually think you can take me on? in the state your in? your blind as a bat"
"dont underestimate me Blondie, ill take you on just like i always do and win" Booster twisted the handle on the sword.
"your confidence is empty, ill make you miserable in your last moments, prepare to be wiped from existence" Mason put his gun away and produced his fireblades. the two charged eachother and commenced combat. Booster took defense as Mason swung with fiery rage. the parrys werent making progress. Booster found an opening and shoved Mason back. Booster swung the sword around and the energy started to build.
"whats going on, what have you done to that sword?" Mason watched as the energy got bigger.
"Blade beam!" Booster slammed the sword into the ground and the energy carved into the ground, Mason dodged the attack, he was sure that if Booster could see clearly he would've been hit by that.
"for being blind your accuracy is amazing, but it'll be your ultimate weakness" Booster threw the sword into the air, the energy was building with amazing speed. Booster took Mason head on, he threw a few punches and backed off just in time to catch the sword.
"Sonic Boom!" Booster threw the sword around and the energy swung out like a boomerang. the energy slashed across Mason's chest as he dodged the attack. the energy rang through him like razor wire. after a few seconds his chest was healed.
"at this pace you dont stand a chance, im impressed that you were able to make our weapons do that, when i cleave you through for the last time ill take this to the Lordmaster and he'll congradulate me. I thank you for this, truly i do. now i have to say that im tired of this, you are done for" there was an explosion from the generator room, Mercedes and Jane were thrown out with violent force. Psalms walked out and readied himself for another go round. Boosters strength was lost in an instant.
"the wristband, times up"
"and now your finished"
Phew that was a lot (COMMENTS)
1 comment:
My comment is that I think you should do your own laundry to avoid mishaps like that...
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