Sunday, September 21, 2008

so i started working on a pair of star wars characters, if you havent guessed already... theyre sith. ive had the idea of a sith in the far reaches of my skull for a while now, but with the recent boom of The Force unleashed, ive felt that now was a good time to really work on it. the idea i had was a sith warrior who had a nightstick lightsaber and red goggles, just a loner. but then i realized thats probably nothing like a real sith so i added the apprentice to the equasion.

the other part of this has been the names. its driven me crazy, but i think i came up with stuff that will work just fine. ive decided on Darth Turbro (get it?) in personal total he has four lightsabers, two of which are his nightstick style, the other two ill explain in a story somewhere down the road (Leader i already told you so no spoiling) i will tell you that his left arm is fake and has lots of hidden tricks. and his lightsabers are quite unique as well. his two main sabers have fire crystals and he installed an ignition coil to spark the crystal, his specialty is fire control and hes mastered the art of enemy distraction

the apprentice is named Annax (remember my little rule?) she's a sith ninja with that four ended shuriken lightsaber (with green compressed crystals of course) her specialty is in the force and and force throw. she hurls her saber like an old fashioned shuriken. she can also mask her presence and she is a master of discuise.

as far as equipment, ive thought of them having an old republican star destroyer as their main space vessel, fitted with all the ships of the day, along with modern imperial vehicles too.

ive thought of a good idea for their story. since their sith, they will betray one another, but i didnt want that, so i thought of having them first be Jedi, then some tragic event caused them to become sith, but their still loyal to eachother like true Jedi. they fight alongside eachother when its necessary. their specialty is to cause a catastrophy around their opponent and strike while the irons hot.

ill post more as i come up with it. i really need to get that jedi sith book at barnes and do some research

1 comment:

Josh said...

Looks good so far. Working together is very un-sith of them though, for too long anyway. Considered dark jedi?