Friday, May 20, 2011

The vague status update

We've seen it before, the one status that sounds a little like this.

"I'm so frustrated right now"

"Well that could've gone better"

"Doctor said it could be bad"

These are just a few (poor) examples that are seen across all forms of social media.  Facebook and twitter are probably the places where they show up the most (for me at least)

But I have a question.


Why post such a vague comment that can be so misconstrued?

Is it for sympathy? would that even be a valid use for posting a vague status update? In my opinion thats what I believe to be a major reason.  think about it, something has happened in your life and you need someone to give you support, you're not in a particular position to 'have a shoulder to cry on' so you post a vague status to use as bait, to sucker people into a position of wanting to help and support you.  We've seen these comments before.

"Is everything ok? just want you to know I'm thinking of you"

"I'm sorry, things will get better"

The thing I find unusual about this is that, on these social media sites.  The only people who see these updates are people you can trust right? These people are your friends, here to help you through pretty much anything right? So why post something to your friends thats vague and can be interpreted in many different ways?

By posting a vague status update you are receiving a false sense of sympathy, you didn't earn it through being honest, you said something that makes your life sound crappy.  Don't do this for your sake and for the sake of the people you care about, its rude and inappropriate.  If your posting about something that shouldn't be posted, then don't.  If it doesn't need to be seen by certain people then refrain from posting.

Personal matters belong with the people involved.  Unless you intend to be clear about whats going on.

"I just got fired, it was kinda my fault though"

"I broke up with my girlfriend, we just weren't that compatible"

These are examples of expressing how you feel while being clear at the same time.

Please, for the sake of your friendships/relationships stop with the vague comments, they're empty feelings.


Connie Babe said...

awesome post.

hope i don't annoy when i'm vague.

Unknown said...

I lul'd.

I am fully aware that I am one of the people this is directed at. But I really couldn't care less.

I'm going to post what I want to post. I have such a wide spectrum of friends that posting exactly whats on my mind will come off as "Dramatic". Hence the vague update. When I want sympathy. I text people directly.

I may seem like I want the attention. But to be completely honest, I don't in most situations.

But I'll take this into consideration because obviously its rubbing everyone the wrong way.