Friday, October 17, 2008

Break in period: Gluttony Virus (Staged)

ive wanted to go on another rant like the Pestilence story except i wanted to do something with Jo and Anna, so i came up with this.

Break in period: Gluttony Virus

The hallway was cold and musty, the bottom level of the GGX assassins guild had a haunting aura to it. the walls were lined with medieval like rocks and the doors were looked like prison gates.

Jo, the dungeon master and one of the guild leaders were making their way to one particular room.

"so tell me what happened" Jo asked as they walked.

"she was on mission, to find and guard a VIP, she stood in combat with a familiar enemy and was infected with an unknown virus, the infection affected her immediately and she endangered the VIP" the dungeon master opened the gate and showed the guild master and Jo into a room.

"she called someone for some assistance and they took her down. they brought her back here and we imprisoned her immediately" the guild master gestured towards a corpse in the corner. Jo stepped back in surprise, her lifelong friend and the closest thing to family she had besides Moe was a rotting cadavre wrapped in belts and chains. Jo held her hand out to the dungeon master who handed her a bag of A= medical blood. she ripped the top off and slung the contents across the body. after a moment, noises came from the body. the blood sank into the body and the corpse came to life. the body shook and trembled as the skin became tan and smooth again, the dead hair fell out and new hair grew in its place, a bright combination of bright blonde, and lime green hair.

a great inhale came from the body as the organs were restored. the face became active again, the eyes were restored. Anna looked around and she choked. she wiggled around on the ground and she started to vomit. everything that she had built up over the last week came out in a dark chunky mess.

"what happened? what happened!?" Anna yelled as she shuffled around on the ground. Jo stepped up and held Anna in place.

"Anna, its okey youre back now. tell us what happened, tell us the last thing you remember" Anna was starting to calm down, the look in her eye proved it, but she was trembling. Jo looked into Anna's eyes, she had never seen them so dominantly red, or as deep a shade. it was a good indicator that she had been starving, but she was very good about her hunger.

im gonna finish this later, i feel its going pretty good though.

tell me what you think

1 comment:

brittany michelle said...

i especially like the last two paragraphs. dunno why. probably because of the emotional expository. dunno though. i like the whole thing really!