Booster started to tremble as he fought to regain himself, his hands gripped his legs with tremendous force. A minor jolt of pain was enough to tell his hands to let go, his sprained knee was swollen and aching, and it wasnt helping his position any. If some crazy doctor wanted him, he couldnt get away. As he sat there he knew something bad would happen, he didnt know what, but he was sure of one thing, he was going to have a very bad expierience here.
Just as he collected himself from his own fear, he heard a sound that he wished he hadnt, at least not in the location he was in. The sound of space and time being ripped apart and someone walking through it, that elegant heel-toe, heel-toe. He didnt turn around he just sat there hoping that the sound was just his mind playing tricks on him again. He closed his eyes and nodded his head. He heard someone sit in a seat near him, then the smell lingered in. That smell had been tattooed into his skull to the point that it made him tremble when that person was around, he was not in control anymore. If there was a crazy doctor here, that person would give him up to them in the skip of a heartbeat, just because she felt like it. She hadnt said a word, she wouldnt say a word till he looked at her, unless she had to say something that was bothering her.
"Marcus? Marcus Wheeler?" Booster jumped as a nurse called for the next patient. Another sheep to the slaughter. Booster needed to stop thinking like that. Everything was fine, this was a normal place with normal, typical people. This was just another gathering place for the ignorant masses, not a brewing ground for monsters and psyco doctors.
She hadnt said a word yet, she just sat there. That smell just running through Boosters nostrils like an X-Wing and the Millenium Faclon tearing through the Death star.
"Nicholas? Black?" another shiver ran through his body, his name was getting closer to the top. Booster wanted to open his eyes, but there was an issue. She was still there, and where was the worst part. He couldnt remember if she sat on the left or the right of him. The last thing he needed to do was provoke her. Up till now she was being remorseful... or maybe she was steaming, waiting for the moment for him to screw up so she could unleash Mad Tsundere Bombs all over this place. He wouldnt be able to tell until he opened his eyes and looked.
"Vincent Scyther?" another shock rattled his body. Shock, Shock therapy, Frankenstein. Booster was at it again, he shook his head back and forth screaming 'stop' in his head. It was getting bad, images of men in white coming to take him away on a stretcher with a straight jacket, sprained knee and all, to put him on a table and, and. There was a slap sound, followed by heel-toe, heel-toe. Space and time were ripped apart again.
"all this over an Insta-care... honestly" Space and time repaired itself, and Booster was by himself again. minutes later his name was called.
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