Black, white and Grim as always. The Netherworld was always a hard place to be. Mercedes had spent most of her life in the world of the living, where there was color and shade and texture. Here in the Netherworld though, everything seemed to be simple and plain. The grand castle that stood before her didnt seem as awe inspiring because it blended in with everything else.
Mercedes hobbled her way towards the main doors of the castle. Her B-type cane still found with her even after the events of the thirteenth Netherworld war. The creeking door revealed to her the innards of the dead castle. Her target was somewhere inside, waiting for her. there were many enormous holes running around the castle like a circulaory system. She wasnt given much about her mission here, then again she was never given much info on her missions. A form of Deaths tough love, he gave her everything she would need, then she had to take that and solve the rest herself.
"creature of large, I dont know where a huge creature could hide in a place like this" she walked around. The inside of the castle was dark, no lights were on nor any candles lit. Mercedes was already used to this place, so many things in her life felt just like this. A soft howl echoed throughout the castle. Mercedes started her search, she sifted through the various sections of the castle and found nothing but bodies that have yet to be buried. Nobility in the Netherworld looked identical to those who were in the living world; cold, corrupt, and single minded. Another light howl blew through, Mercedes could tell better where it was coming from better than before she made her way in the general direction. Mercedes walked outside into an elaborate garden. The colors of the floweres rolled across her vision as she looked around. Faint sights of reds and blues, among various colors. The ground thundered beneath her, she was close. Whatever this thing was she could feel its movements.
There was a tower near her. A giant hole made her think that the creature was lying in wait. She tread with caution as she progressed towards the tower. The broken entrance to the tower was blowing air out. She stepped inside and looked around. the lower areas were black as night, she couldnt see anything below her. A roar came from below, for the entirety that Mercedes looked, the eyes of a monster were glowing green. The shade of green reminded Mercedes of someone she met. Before she could think anymore about it, multiple arms sprung up and attacked her. Mercedes leapt upwards into the tower.
"I have to get out of here" Mercedes leapt for the exit but got knocked up and away. As she attemped to get back down, the monster had already passed the hole.
"there must be another way out of here, a window" Mercedes started to make her way up towards the top. The monster sent another barrage of limbs and Mercedes responded with firing her PLR-16 at the limbs as she ran upwards. The smaller limbs fell as they were struck but the bigger ones remained unaffected. Mercedes gripped the handle of her cane and ignited the Anti-Reaper power blade. Even though the blade was made for Reapers it was still formidiable against every other type of target. She flipped the weapon in her hand so she held the bottom of the shaft, she reared her arm and swung at the monsters limbs. Cries of pain echo up the hollow tower. Mercedes looked down and saw a red jewel in the monsters mouth.
"I would have to say that is a weak spot, it feels necessary for me to break that" Mercedes, leapt off the spiral stairs and dove for the monsters exposed weak spot. The monster closed its exposed body as Mercedes collided with it. She attempted to cut into the monsters body with her power blade but it had minimal effect. The monster started to climb again, while it ascended it attempted to shake off Mercedes. She leapt off and ran up the stairs till the monster stopped. She would have to summon the Sleeper in order to break the armor. She flipped the B-type so she had it as a cane again.
"third gear, Sleeper!" the B-type started to change in her hand. The cane started to wind in, around her arm then she whipped her arm out and a new weapon was present. A long handle war axe appeared. The weapon was themed after a V8 engine, why the creator decided on automotive themes was beyond her its all his fault she moved the weapon around in her hand and got a good grip. She ran up and got a little distance, the she jumped off and dove at the monster again. The armor was still closed, she swung the Sleeper with all her strength and the protective armor shattered into pieces. The monster screamed again and Mercedes was tossed upwards. The armor opened and the limbs attacked. Mercedes swung Sleeper around so that she spun around, the axe cut the limbs down as she fell. The armor closed back up, but the swing from the axe broke through and smashed the weakspot. Another cry of pain came from the monster and it started to ascend with ferocity. Mercedes would have to think fast if she didnt want to get crushed.
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