Friday, August 19, 2011


Alright.  So I have school starting up again.  Going into my next part of Psychology and honestly, this has been the thing I've been looking most forward to since december.  I got out of my first Psych class and felt pretty good about it, I wanted to take the next class. I held it off cause my teacher wasn't teaching it till late this year, so I passed the time with my imaginative writing class.  Which took a dump on me, out of all the classes I wanted, it was one of the worst.

At this point though, other than taking the class to better myself I'm taking classes to keep the monotony of my life from destroying me. Since my last class got out I've done pretty much the same thing every week.

Monday: work
Tuesday: time with friends
Wednesday: work
Thursday: day off (do a few chores and errands, but usually do nothing)
Friday: work
Saturday: work
Sunday: Skip classes at church and do nothing

I need school to break this up a little. Cause if there is one thing I refuse to let happen, its to care about work and its cache of issues.

When you work at a job where the customers who come in don't want to be there, and we later ask then how there visit was, they're going to dump all their crap on us.  We get rated every week for performance and the past few reports have tanked, I refuse to let this be my priority in life, to try and fix this problem (among others) cause in the long run... it means almost nothing.  Giving upset people an audience never fares well.

I'm not saying we're bad at our jobs. I'm out there in the midst of it and I know for a fact we're doing our jobs just fine.

sorry about the rant.

I'm just saying that I can't keep going like this having nothing to do all the time.  School is important to me and if I could swing it I would go full-time school part-time work, cause work is so stressful a kind of stressful that's unhealthy.  I would rather stress about school cause that leads somewhere eventually.

Some of you might say I should go on dates and the like.  At this point in my life, I don't want to.  My honest opinion of people and society in general right now is pretty low, and to think of seeking these people out for dates and such seems counter productive.  I don't find things of that nature very intriguing at the moment.  All the positive things are out weighed by the negative.

The primary focus of my life right now is to continue school and to continue writing.  To work towards a tomorrow that actually looks exciting. If things happen to change later on I'll deal with it as it comes but as of now I'm not expecting anything.

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