So if you didn't know from my recent posts, I've been in a writing class. Intro to creative writing 2250. This class, is something that I've been trying to get into for the past 2+ years of school. Its only a single class so it fills up really quick when registration comes around. I was lucky to get a seat, or so I thought.
I just had mid-terms last week and at this point in the class, I don't like it. Its not the classmates, most of them are tolerable. The issue I'm having here is the content being taught and the teacher. I'm going to say it, I don't like the teacher. From the get-go I didn't. In all the time I've had in the class she has not left a good impression on me. But the biggest deal in the class for me is the content we're dealing with. Its a creative writing class and all the homework is disgustingly specific. Homework A has to be done in this format and style or else its not acceptable. Homework U must be completely broken down and rewritten in a format ranging from 1-5. Homework L has to be a formal poem down to the umpteenth degree.
Now I understand its important to see and try various forms of writing but I feel the class is limiting. When everything has to be done in a specific way the creativity falls into a bottleneck. Not a single piece of writing I've done for the class has had my full heart into it (exclude one or two maybe) I haven't been inspired at all in this class and my lack of interest is starting to impact my grade. I took mid-term and didn't do so well, and I don't care that much.
I keep telling myself that this isn't something in my major (which is still undeclared) and that just makes me daydream the class away "Ok, a formal poem and last weeks assignment must be redone in a new style... great..." The teacher throws out the names of other writers and I'm sitting here thinking 'who the hell is that?'
Since starting college I haven't felt this frustrated with a class in a LONG time. Pretty much my first batch of classes were a waste of my time and money as I took other classes I started to get better rounded in how the college life works, I've found teachers I like (one I hope to get into next semester for another round of psychology) teachers I hate (most of my auto shop teachers) and teachers that didn't wow me (intro to English)
Is this class a waste of time? maybe, maybe not. Have I learned anything? not much that feels can improve me as a writer (a writer of fiction to be specific) cause thats what I wanted from this class. Improvement, the ability to write something I have heart in, let my classmates tell me how it was and let me revise it.
I don't like this class. I worked hard to get the seat I have and I no longer want it. I had high expectations for this class, just to have it become a disappointment.
1 comment:
i remember my first time taking english 2010...i was in the class for maybe 2 minutes when i realized it was NOT a match for me and i was too old for the teacher to intimidate. dropped that class. :)
but that was the first day...don't you drop yours!
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