Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tractor beam... anyways.

Haven't said anything in a while, not that anything amazing has happened of particular amazement.  School started for me a while back, and holy number-of-obscene-words!  This is probably my most difficult/challenging class I've had since starting college. I study like its going out of style, and yet... I still feel unprepared half the time, but considering the content of the class its not surprising.

Oh right, its Psychology 1010 I'm taking so that should give you an idea of how in depth it is.
Neurology, memory, parts of the brain, the nervous system, thats all we've covered at the moment.

Thats enough of that... right, writing, I'm sure you know that I haven't done any of that, I have the ideas, but I don't have the drive.  Its hard to write lately, even with some strong support from Critique Circle about reviews on Organ donor.  As much as I might want to write, I just can't do it.

other than that, things have been pretty boring, I don't get to see anyone anymore, the only time I see anyone is at breakfast, and thats only the authors of Subtle misdirection and Austin in real life ever go to that anymore.

I really can't think of anything else to say now, so I'll just wrap this up. Not sure what I'll do next but I don't see anything expected on the horizon to post here that'll be worthwhile.

till next time.

1 comment:

Connie Babe said...

this is from a psych major: i think that psych 1010 is one of the hardest psych classes, because you're getting a little bit of everything...lots of info covered, whereas, the other classes are more focused. but if you have a good teacher, it's good...hope you like it.