MooK, Breech, and Dakka were out gathering groceries, equipment, and other miscellaneous items they needed on their carrier.
"so what all do we have left?" Dakka said from the back seat of their truck.
"well lets see... we got everything... but lunch and new clothes" Breech emphasized the last part as she held her hand out for a high five.
"Hell yeah" Dakka was more than obliged to contact the hanging hand with her own. Mook just sat there playing with her loaned clothes in the passenger seat.
"we'll get you something more... your taste while we're at the mall" MooK was in a white blouse which flowed into a 50's yellow hued pleated skirt. Breech and Dakka found it didnt flow with Mook's long black hair.
"we need to get you some dark colors, white and yellow just do not work for you" Dakka played with MooK's hair.
They pulled the truck into the parking area which was under construction, Corporate enjoyed adding to their property with more property, whether they spread it across more land or stack it higher they'll get their products out. Corporate land was always multi-colored, and you couldn't hold your hand out without some salesperson putting a 'deal' in your hand and mentioning thirty different reasons why you need a blender with two stacks of blades.
They parked the truck in the far off area away from Corporate civilians. The three girls left the truck and saw as a convoy passed on the freeway behind them. A fleet of diesels carried the new model Grinders off to the pilot base.
"what I would give to take a round in one of those" Dakka reached out and imagined herself grasping the grinder with her hand.
"yeah, yeah we know you and your obsession, c'mon I'm starving" Breech swung the keys as she started for the mall with MooK. Dakka caught up as they passed through the doors.
"hey, we need to get MooK some new threads before we get food"
"what! why?" Breech was upset.
"would you expect to be seen in that getup? it'll just take a few minutes"
"I'm not lugging that shit back if we're getting her new clothes, thats going in the garbage" all MooK could do was look back and forth as the two spoke about the fate of her outfit.
"um... I can carry them, Eddge would be upset if we through them away without asking her" the two looked at her, a beat later they snickered.
"I'm sure Eddge wouldn't miss those. Sure you can take care of them, she would probably like that" Dakka said as she sifted through a rack of shirts.
"lets just hurry before my gut collapses in on itself"
the girls tried a few different combinations and settled on a black hooded shirt with 'RAGE KILL GLORY' in the recycle triangle matched with a pair of dark blue capri shorts and sneakers. The other clothes they got stayed in a bag as they trotted to the food court. Breech was dragging her ankles she was so hungry, the mixed scents of various foods blessed her with a newfound energy.
"PIZZA, big... HUGE piece of pizza, all meat..." Breech started to drool.
"you know, you'll get FAT from that" Dakka said.
"fine then, you enjoy your little salad with... what was it you liked? sweet sesame dressing? yeah that'll fill you up"
"better than getting bogged down with mounds of pigs ass and spices you've never heard of" they looked around to find that MooK was not among them. She was in line waiting for chinese food. Dakka and Breech looked at eachother.
"might as well go big while we're here" Dakka said as she got in line for pizza.
"we never eat like this on the carrier, we cant skip on an advantage like this, who knows when we'll get this chance again"
"hi... yes I'll have the ultrastuff there" Breech looked at Dakka with a sarcastic smile.
"who was it that said something about getting fat?"
"Dammit Breech, I say one thing, change my mind and your all up my ass about it"
the three joined at a booth, Dakka and Breech with pizza and MooK with a bowl of soup.
"what the hell is that MooK?" Dakka asked.
"Udon soup with beef" MooK pulled apart her chopsticks and started to eat.
"waitwaitwait... your having soup... with chopsticks, does anyone else see the problem here"
"thats how you eat it Dakka, your so barbaric" Breech said.
"it just doesnt make sense to me is all, but whatever" they were halfway through their lunch when they get approached by some college boys.
"how's it goin' ladies?" a blonde boy asked, Breech guessed that he was the leader.
"not too bad, how about yourselves?" Dakka replied.
"we were looking for some lonely girls who wouldn't mind a good night over at club Paniq, thought you might be the kind for a fun night"
"no thanks" Breech said with ice in her tone.
"Breech c'mon"
"we don't have time for games Dakka"
"don't worry, we'll get you home before mom and dad even notice" the leader, placed his hand on Breech's shoulder.
"if you dont want that hand broken you take if off now" MooK looked worried as she looked at breech from across the table.
"hey, c'mon we just wanna" the leader, before he could finish found himself with a broken nose bleeding on the ground, Breech threw him down and put him in submission, her nightstick with the bleeding rose badge exposed to everyone in the food court. The two other boys lurched forward to help their friend but Dakka made quick work of them. she punched one in the jaw while she kicked the other in the throat.
"Holy shit Breech, what the hell did you just do?" Dakka spoke in a slow manner as everyone stared at them.
"terrorists!" the people leapt from their seats in their typical 'panic while flailing and running' manner.
"lets go, MooK, Breech, we're outta here" Security fought through the crowd towards the three girls. the three dodged into a game store and bolted into the back area.
"nice going Breach, not only are we in the dead center of shitville corporate land but now they know we're here"
"dont you dare start with me, you know we have better things to do than rave with some dumbass frat boys"
"I was trying to blend in"
"you were trying to do jack shit. what now huh? what now now that we're boxed in here" Dakka and Breech went back and forth for a moment but MooK was busy thinking up a plan.
"hey... HEY I have a plan. you two get to the truck and ill cause a distraction for the police. I can call you later and meet up to get back safe" Dakka and Breech looked at each other.
"unless you have a better idea"
"alright MooK, keep them off us and we'll meet up later" MooK put her hood up and started out the back door.
"what a pain in the ass, Kata's gonna hang us for this when we get back" Dakka gestured getting hung as she spoke
"Ill tell her it was your fault"
{its late, I might add what MooK does another night. Comments can get that night here faster}
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