Sunday, December 14, 2008

4th picture...4CHAN!

so here it is... the fouth picture in my folder, 4chan's party van.

i honestly dont know what to say about 4chan other than... its the internet

i dont know exactly how the whole tagging thing works so im just going to randomly select someone that i follow (begin drum roll)

i am going to tag... TRIKI


Connie Babe said...

i hate when i am faced with proof that i am old.

i don't even have a clue what 4chan is. sigh.

Jaycey said...

either do I old too?

Unknown said...

no jaycey your not old... just living in blissfull ignorance, thats the best way to put it.

and connie... well i dont know what to tell you

Jaycey said...

wait what's it mean? :D

Unknown said...

to really answer that you should ask Josh about it, he's the one who originaly found it.