Are you a writer?
If so then this is a book you will NEED in order to write with a higher level of skill. the first half of the book is like an autobiography by Steve about him growing up and becoming a writer. and the second half is about improving your skill as a writer, if you want to be effective in any type of work relative to writing then its important you go out and get this and read it, then read it again after a while. rinse and repeat.
this has taken such an impact on my style that I go back and read my old work and feel the urge to rip my guts out "what is this garbage?!" "wow I was terrible at this back then" its so bad I cant read it, if I did I would end up redoing it all over again (and lets face it... thats a lot of work)
get this book if you are a writer of ANY sort, you can thank me later.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Phlebotinum rebel (Fan fiction/City of Villains)

"if you help me, I can make you more than you ever imagined becoming" the doctor had explained to her a suit that was a mobile life support system, just what she needed. she had hours left and living on borrowed time didn't seem like a bad deal.
"have you ever had second degree burns all over your body? double that for a few days and the sacrifice will fail in comparison to whats to be gained" he wasn't kidding. a few days felt more like weeks of being operated on. cyberization, bio engineering, applied phlebotinum, all the technical jargon just started fitting into the category of the simulation of second degree burns.
a week passed and Eddge was now capable of standing up. when all was said and done she had found herself wearing her new skin over her old body. it was explained to her that the suit was fused to her on a scale that removal was not an option... ever, as far as she was concerned it felt like she was wearing a thin body suit, but on the inside most of it had been integrated into her muscle and bone structure.
"all unnecessary organs and such have been removed, such as your whole reproductive system, your lungs and liver all removed or replaced with better components. your in a constant state of rapid healing so all every possible tool has been implemented into her construction.
"all this is over my head you know" Eddge had to explain.
"have you seen star wars?"
"your Darth Vader, a human encased inside a mobile hospital, though your much more advanced than he is... for the most part"
"which means that like him, you need filtered air, which is why we're in this room, its supplied with what you need, unlike him, you can still operate in unfiltered environments at the sacrifice of ability, you will be sluggish"
"but like him you are also very strong, and your not weighted down by armor. your the most advanced hybrid human on the continent"
"you say that like i'm not the only one"
"wishful thinking will get us nowhere" the doctor turned around and produced a helmet of black, grey, and green colors, similar to the color scheme of the suit Eddge now wore. it looked like a hybrid of a gas mask and a futuristic motorcycle helmet.
"now that isnt a new dress, consider yourself naked right now, get clothes that work. and as of now you work for me"
"work for you? piss off!"
"A: you have a grudge with the government, I do too. B: I have installed a restraining bolt in your spine work, think of it as an off switch for all the work I've done. And C: you couldn't possibly maintain that body without me around"
"whats your beef with the Goverment?"
"lets just say the Government stabbed me in the back"
Friday, May 7, 2010
Out to Sea (Bleeding Rose)

"too... hot, I'm dying" Dakka fanned herself as she lay across the floor of the vehicle level. MooK dragged herself out of another car, empty on gas. MooK opened the door of the next car and started it up.
"a quarter of a tank, wont last long" MooK felt defeated. Every car she had gotten into was less than a quarter tank full. Breech was very good at keeping the fuel low on everything.
"hey MooK... do you think the Grim Reaper has a full tank? that is Breech's pride and joy"
"Even if it does, she wont open it"
"not... if I have something to say" Dakka attempted to stand up, her PP2000 wrapped in her chest holster, she was weak to the point she couldn't undo the holster. after a minor attempt to get her gun she gave up and slapped her hands on the floor.
"Oh... forget it" MooK just looked at Dakka as she lay there. Maybe if she talked to Breech she would let them in.
"i'll be right back Dakka, I'll see if she'll let us in" MooK made her way up to the main deck, passing Ratchet as she blew past with tools. The Combat carrier's prototype engine was out of proper operating range and had to be repaired. therefore the engines lack of power meant no conditioned air or refrigeration.
The main deck of the carrier was more active than expected. MooK watched as Eddge and Breech both practicing. Eddge was swinging around a sword that was bigger than any sword should be. odds were good that it was some form of Anti-Grinder weaponry. Breech on the other hand was operating a more tame weapon. A sniper rifle of respectable size.
"hey, Breech... uh... can me and Dakka get into one of your nice cars? this heat is killing us" Breech fired a shot off into the ocean, she rolled over and looked at MooK.
"yo MooK whats going on?" Breech took off her head gear and adjusted her bangs.
"uh... like I said, we want to get into one of your nice cars so we can escape this heat" Breech's smile faded a little, she loved her cars, so odds were she wasn't too excited at the idea of them being used this way.
"Dakka put you up to this didn't she..." she took a deep breath and let it out as a long, loud sigh.
"alright, c'mere I need your help" MooK knelt down next to breech and stood in front of a scope on a tripod.
"what's this?"
"that scope is for spotters, I need you to tell me the information that pops up, these new models are nicer than the old ones. MooK read off the information to Breech and she adjusted the scope on her rifle.
"what are you shooting at? I dont see anything" Breech fired a shot into the ocean.
"hit" said MooK reading off the information in the scope. Breech fired again.
"hit" Breech fired again.
"hit" Breech dumped the empty magazine. MooK saw a glint in the corner of her eye, a bullet was flipping end over end. Breech caught the round and loaded it into the breech. She fired again.
"DAMMITALL" Breech leapt up and started jumping up and down. Eddge looked over and started to snicker. Breech pulled her sidearm and shot in the direction she missed.
"Breech! what's wrong?"
"I've been practicing that move forever, still can't get it right" Breech stopped to breath for a moment.
"hey... its hot out here... lets get down to the vehicle level and cool off, I know where we can relax and have a nice drink" Breech and MooK collected all the equipment and put it back in armory.
"hey Breech, what was out there you were shooting at?"
"the body of an old car thats no good to us. I put some targets on it for practice"
"how far out was it? I couldn't even see it"
"our scopes aren't powerful enough to see it, the targeting data in your scope could tell I hit it based on the chips in the targets themselves" Breech was playing with a handheld device.
"whats that?"
"this is important for all snipers, a record of every shot I've ever made. The guns I've used, the types of ammunition, the targets I've hit... the ones I've missed" she scrolled down the device and reviewed the information.
"its very nice to have nowadays, my cybernetics in my eyes and arms add lots of the information for me in real time" Breech said. MooK looked into Breech's eyes. They weren't natural looking anymore, they had a whole different feeling, an emptiness that had a wholeness to it. Black and vacant but still full of something MooK couldn't put her finger on.
They enter the vehicle level, it felt hotter there than anywhere else. Dakka was lingering over Breech's favorite car with a wrench in her hand. Breech pulled her sidearm.
"do it and you die bitch!" Dakka turned so slow you swear you could hear what sounded like rust grinding against rust.
"cold... air, its so close I can feel the back of my neck tingle" Breech holstered her gun and snatched the wrench away.
"funny you say that, considering theres a big hole in the back of your neck" She grabbed Dakka's arm and dragged her towards a box truck, MooK followed behind. Breech turned a valve on a hidden fuel cell in the truck and started it up after a few minutes the box started to get cold.
"what kind of truck is this?" MooK held her hands in front of a blower.
"a refrigerated truck for food transportation, and now its mine" Dakka looking high on the chill rocks her head around to look at Breech.
"I, as of this moment... love you Breech"
"that hits me where I live Dakka... for real" Dakka didnt care if there was sarcasm in Breech's line she was happy to be so cold. Breech opened a cooler full of drinks and passed them around. the three of them relaxed for about an hour before the fuel cell went dry. they stepped out just as the carrier engines came back up. the girls celebrated as Ratchet stepped in.
"we got power in here?" she said. Ratchet was buried head to toe in oil, carbon deposits, scratches, and burns. but she had a smile like she had just earned a gold medal.
"hell yeah we do, your awesome Ratchet" Dakka clapped as she walked towards the dirty mechanic. Ratchet exploded as unspent energy discharged from her body.
"that was the coolest thing evar! you guys should have seen it, those engines are a work of art I'm telling ya" she inhaled and held out her exhale as she spoke.
"it... was... sexay" she pulled out her pipe and lit up.
"now that the engines are back up we should our location and status" Breech said as she made for the tower. the computers were auto adjusting and recalibrating as they entered.
"looks like we've drifted quite a bit since we went down, no ships for thirty miles" the main phone started to ring and Dakka answered.
"yellow? Kata! we haven't heard from" Dakka stopped talking, whatever Kata was saying must have been urgent. Dakka looked excited they must have a mission waiting for them.
"hell yeah Kata thats great news, we're awaiting your return. what? no, c'mon you should know us better than that... yeah... yeah. by the way the carriers engines went down again... yeah... the great Ratchet saved our asses again with her kickass skills" MooK looked over at Ratchet who was standing proud, wearing the grease and grime as a reward for her work.
"alright, we'll be here... see ya" Dakka hung up and looked at the others.
"whats up? you looked kinda concerned" Breech said. Dakka walked to the intercom.
"attention Roses, Kata is on her way back. That means SUPER ULTRA CLEANUP-SO-WE-DONT-DIE-MODE... ACTIVATE" Dakka sped from the tower and started collecting dirty laundry from the floor as she went. MooK and the others started mopping the decks and sweeping the halls. garbage was sliding into bags while underwear was hunted down.
hours later they had cleaned every square inch of the combat carrier. All the Roses were cleaned up and ready for Kata's return. The pavelow could be seen floating over the setting sun. it landed on the deck of the carrier and Kata shuffled out, Levan right behind her.
The Roses stood at attention as Levan walked over.
"as you were lady's" she said. Levan was the most important member of Neutral organization, being the single political representative for all Neutrals. her usual bouncy and spunky self was acting quite tame at the moment.
"you girls are looking good you know. Kata, we'll talk later. you have your mission" Levan left with haste and Kata was looking smug.
"Breech" she said.
"yes ma'am" Breech replied as she stepped forward.
"I suggest you get to work training MooK, you two will be spearheading our next mission"
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