I just called it home, for it is here that I live, and work and train. I am the Grim reaper, that is the title given to me. is it a good title? that all depends on your definition of whats good and whats not. For me it was good and bad, I had a purpose, I was able to put myself to good use, keeping the universe's from falling out of balance. But on the cynical side I wasnt even praised for my work. I did the jobs and got new ones immediately after, I was always on the move. I was a tool shown in its purest of forms.
I may call it home, but I was never around long enough to take in its feel of home. he who calls me daughter says that he loves me, but he has no true understanding of the word, but he does his best. Sometimes it feels like I only get to see the darker side of him, a dark and cynical side that has no feeling, even when I deserved it. I cant complain though I did save the worlds afterall. A single pathetic excuse for a man tried to claim to be the one true deliverer. With my given abilities I ground him down into dust good enough for me to walk upon. that was just the beginning of my test, and I passed it with flying colors. Flying, flaming, roaring, screaming, exploding colors. I was too good, not that he would tell you that, he would probably say something along the lines of "good for shit that is" it made my blood boil, and made my skin tremble. when he said that to me I wanted to take this silver hammer of mine and make a new place for him to put his puzzles. but no matter how much I was motivated to do it... I found an outlet and it ended up putting me on more solid ground with him, few instances he would say "That was impressive" and I felt like I could take on the whole Holy Order again... by myself.
the shuffle of the rubix cube was branded into my skull, the one sound he always enjoyed making was the one that drove me insane. I had even made a word for it...'shirk' I could enjoy the rest of my existence without ever hearing that dreadful sound again.
I looked at the time, I was going to be late. I hobbled my way into the building in the center of the river styx, the valley of the shadow of death. I wasnt afraid, my work was done, better than expected. he would be happy. the shuffle of my blazer was heavier than normal, my Kel-tec was joined by extra ammo and my 74u. I even had to change the silver hammer into the sleeper.
my joints felt like they were as rusty as the castle I came from. I was tired, but that wasnt even an excuse in his mind. fatigue meant nothing to him. I trudged through the building and found the empty desk in front of his office again, I've never seen who it was that sat there, it made me curious every time I walked past it. I put my hand on the brass handle and walked inside the dark room, the first thing I heard was that sound I hated so much... 'shirk' I figured it was going to be a hard day, and that was all the proof I needed.