For a while now, at least two months, I've been working on the idea of a new character for a story (up till a while ago I had no idea where this character would fit, which universe she would be used in) and after some thought, it hit me.
It was about a week after I saw District 9. The scene with the alien mech was awe inspiring for me. The character I was working on has Multiple personality disorder, but not in a normal sense (as far as I'm concerned) the personalities she took were related to Anime character types such as the ones in this link http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.AnimeCharacterTypes
at random times, when nobody was looking she would go from one personality to another, carrying a trait that particular character type would have (ex. as a Tsundere she would have a long ponytail and as a Meganekko she would have big glasses and so on) and along with that she would use a form of fighting that type would use (ex. a Yandere would have big kitchen knives while a Tsundere would use a hammer or a sniper rifle)
like I said I had no idea where she would turn up. Then I got it, there was a universe I made about mech's and giant robots, then I started thinking of other characters that led into a mercenary type of group (I ultimately decided to make all the characters within the group girls cause... well... I wanted to) then I started to think of names. Normal names didnt seem to fit. then I remembered my favorite website for research into writing, TV Tropes, then I started to research. The names the characters take on are relative to the style of combat they prefer.
The main character who is the multiple personality is called MooK http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Mooks?from=Main.Mook
mainly because she is the newest member of the group and has the least amount of experience, which makes her an easy target. but when another personality takes over she becomes quite the competent fighter (even going further than some of the other members in style) her signature weapon is a shotgun
is the unofficial leader of the group, a level head and one of the first to become a member, she uses a pair of Glock 18L's
has two perks, she is an automatic weapon expert and is a skilled Grinder(mech) pilot. she has an unbelievable combat high, in which she pretty much dances while killing her enemies, she enjoys what she does... a lot. her signature weapon is a custom AK-47
is a sword and melee expert, dealing in weapons with no means of firing projectiles, she is quiet but quite possibly the coldest member of the team. she sports gauntlets with powered claws the size of medicine balls (while their fists) for weapons
the western style gunslinger, she enjoys teasing and gambling in combat, usually making work into a game for her. she duels in the midst of combat... simply to show how good she is she gambles on situations like a ricochet shot to save an innocent. she has multiple revolvers hidden in her duster trench coat.
along being an excellent driver (usually delivering Dakka and her mech to points of interest) she is the designated sniper for the team. she has replaced mechanical parts and is synched with her weapons so she can fire them while she isnt even near them, she can also defend herself quite well up close. her signature weapon is a Dragunov
thats about it for characters. still working on that.
the universe is The Highwayman which is about giant robots and flashy combat. this set of characters and plot is designed for another perspective on the universe, what mercenaries and PMC's see. the darker grittier side of the war's (whereas the other perspective is from corporations and governments and their military force, the combining mech's, and their task in the war which is televised)
the girls work for "the bleeding rose" and live on an autonomous battleship, complete with everything they need. the symbol of their group is a nightstick with a glass midsection holding a red rose, which they sport everywhere they go and doubles as a weapon obviously.
everyone who becomes a member is chosen for a specific reason, a talent they have that gets applied to the combat. these used to be regular people doing ordinary things. when they get selected, all of the past is forgotten except the last thing they remember (ex. MooK's last memory was holding hands with someone and their grip fading. Dakka's is an audience and the limelight)
thats the most of what I have gotten, Ill work on this more as I usually do and if I feel like posting more about it ill do it as I feel. whether or not I get a story together is dependant on whether or not I can get inspired and confident enough.
till next time