Blargh... its been a while since ive written something, so lets see if we cant get at least a tangent down on paper, ive had this brewing in my skull for who knows how long itll be nice to put it down finally. its another super short story about my Vampire Anna, and once again this will not be cannonized until i find that im satisfied with this.
one last thing, the content that follows has some graphic detail so if your a wuss or not interested then i suggest you wait for my next post.
Breakout: blood riot
It was a cold night outside, the Rain was coming down so hard it felt like liquid marbles were striking against Anna's body. Anna was dead tired, she had gotten herself into a fight that she was never able to handle. it was her third mission as an official member of GGX, feeling overconfident with herself she decided to take a job that would challenge her limits as a confident vampire, but the target was more than she bargained for.
she lay in the middle of a parking lot in the dead of night, soaked in rain and half dismembered. while confronting her target she had been overwhelmed and had an arm and a leg ripped clean from her small body, and she lay with an old english sword in her back, keeping her pinned in the ground for the last hour as the target sits in the warehouse.
Anna, weak from bloodloss, couldnt do a thing to pull herself out of her predicament. she heard a door open, someone was walking to meet her. the young man held an umbrella and a can of soda.
"how ya feelin' there pretty? uncomfortable? thats too bad" he crouched in front of her and used the handle of the umbrella to move some of Anna'a hair out of her face.
"the big guy is inside wonderin' what to do with ya, he sure appreciated the chance to taste some real vampire cuisine"
"you... bastards..." Anna managed to say. she coughed and that was the end of it.
"ate your arm and leg? just the boss, he's a real fan of the bones i gotta tell ya" he tipped the can in his mouth and finised of the contents. the smell was starting to get to Anna, she wanted his blood so much it was unbearable. the thug looked around then looked back at her. he grabbed the sword in her back and wrenched it backward, Anna couldnt yell, all she managed was a squeeky grunt as the edge of the sword dug into more of her. after a second the thug drove the handle of the umbrella into the gapping wound so it would stand on its own.
"thats better now my hands are free, this is just gonna be a small idea of whats in store for you once the boss is satisfied with his meal" he started to play with the empty can, twisting it and punching holes in it. he jerked his hand away and yelped.
"ouch, im bleeding, better wrap that up before-" his speech was ended. Anna using her unique blood control, formed the blood from his cut finger into a spike and pierced his head. Anna was getting anxious, the blood couldnt contact the rain if she was to free herself, any water would contaminate the blood. she slowly moved the body closer and hung the wound near her mouth.
after a small drink she could feel her strength coming back. her muscles got tense and the sword started to hurt more, her remaining limbs started to work again. she pushed with all her might and ran the whole sword through herself, her scream of pain was masked by the powerful thunder. she threw herself at the body and drank, she drank like she had never had a taste of blood in her whole undead life. it was such a satisfying feeling, but she wasnt really satisfied, she threw the body aside and crawled towards the warehouse.
the door opened and another thug appeared, he looked over to see Anna leap on him and send both of them into the building, she bit into him and took as much as she could. she could feel her wounds changing, she didnt know how to regenerate lost body parts but something was happening.
more enemies appeared and Anna looked around. their boss was not amongst them, the smell of their blood was overwhelming, she needed more. one of the thugs took a few shots at her with a pistol, opening parts in her back. she didnt feel pain from them but she was definitely in agony from everything else that was happening. she looked around, then her vision got blurry, she became 'bloodblind' her body moved and acted based on her need to feed on those around her.
she could feel herself leap about, standing on something that replaced her leg for the moment, her missing arm, it felt like it was thrashing though bodies like a sword. she felt an extreme pressure against her stomach and her blindness wore off.
it was the boss, her target had made his presence known. she looked at herself as best she could. her leg was a collection of spikes and jagged edges, like a spiked club. and her arm, her missing arm was replaced with a giant hatchet, brutal and intimidating. her target was chewing on a bone he broke it in half and tossed some of it aside, he then started to pick at his teeth like it was a toothpick.
"i have to say, i havent had such a good meal in a while, such a fine taste and texture you have, its... nostalgic" he licked his lips and tossed the bone to her.
"you werewolves are disgusting, the only exeption is a close friend of mine, you're gonna be ground into dog food for pets at the pound" her target started to laugh.
"you really think your 'friend' is different from me? dont kid yourself, we're like this for a reason, just like your one of them for a reason, we're all treading the same path to crazytown"
"you are narrow minded, you cant see the bigger picture, but from what ive seen so far its just your nature. Im tired of the chit-chat, so why dont we start the dance already?" Anna struggled to stand, her temporary leg wasnt able to bend so she had to hug the wall.
"do you actually think you can take me on? in your condition? you didnt have a chance when you had all your pieces, what hope do you have now?" her target removed another english sword from its sheath and took stance.
"i have a trump card to play still, now with our new positions, i believe i will be cashing it in"
{satellite disruption}
i feel pretty good now, like my spark has flickered, comments? critiques? throw'em at me
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
now this we need to do!

Has anyone ever seen this? i heard about it today at work and looked it up. i thought it was hilarious and printed out a few copies. as i stood there looking at it, i couldnt help but think "this would be an awesome Empire challenge" and thought that, when the girls come down for new years, we could get together and see who gets BINGO first. just a thought, if you know someone who would get a laugh outta this then save the picture to your computer and print a few copies.
other than that ive had Star Wars on the mind. concerning stuff like lightsabers (my personal choice and the choice of others) Jedi and Sith dress, and story line for my own characters within the universe. i asked one of the guys at work what his own personal lightsaber would be and the description goes as follows: the handle would be as tall as the user, and would produce a lightsaber blade at both ends of the 'staff' the blades that emanated would be just as tall (if not taller) than the user, so he would have maximum reach.
as he explained this to me i added that the weapon should be a Dual-phase weapon, what that means is that the beams should be adjustable in length almost immediately so that the beams could be maximum length then they could be halfened or more so as not to contact an unwanted object or surface. that... and the physical body of the weapon would probably want to be built with anti-lightsaber materials so that if the opponent was able to get close the weapon would not be destroyed from a single lightsaber blow. then after asking the SW fanatic at my work he continued to say that the staff should be collapseable so it can be carried easily on the person.
after a little more thought i figured that this particular choice of weapon would be hard to use as a bowstaff type weapon, a better disipline for something like this would be like a Lance or a spear, and 'poking' tactics over slash and cut strategy.
my personal lightsaber would have to be a pair of Guard Shoto's (lightsaber tonfa (nightstick)) they would be a standard length lightsaber blade if not a little longer and would be primarily for defense and long offense. my personal blade color would probably have to be Blue, representing the Jedi Guardians who were more to using their skill with the lightsaber over the Force in combat. if i was to get really picky i would have a pair of Dark blue colored beams, and after lots and lots of training i would probably change to purple which represents lightsaber mastery. and to once again go picky they would be a deep dark Amethyst shade of purple.
beyond this i have thought up some other lightsaber styles that ill talk about another day.
what about everyone else? what kind of lightsaber would you use and what color would it be
Sunday, December 14, 2008
MORE more tag stuff
What time is it? 5:40
Full name: Scott Keith Hess
What are you most afraid of? abandonment
what is the most recent movie you saw in theather? James Bond 007 Quantum of Solace
Have you ever seen a ghost? not yet
where were you born? ogden UT
Have you ever been to Alaska? stupid parents left me behind
Ever been toilet papering? not yet
Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? now that i think about it... outside of family... no
Croutons or bacon bits? both
favorite day of the week? day off
Favorite restaurant? its quickly becoming Johnny Carinos
Favorite flower? Red Rose
Favorite sport? Clan matches (videogames)
Favorite Drink? Martilelli cider
Favorite ice cream? white chocolate with gummy bears, pie crust, and caramel
Favorite fast food spot? Panda express
What color is your bedroom carpet? Forrest green with a little grey
How many times did you fail your drivers test? aced it first time (look who your talking to)
What do you do most often when your bored? live in the internet
Bedtime? "holy crap its late, i need to get some sleep"
Favorite TV shows? Mythbusters, Future weapons, Chowder, ANIME!!!
What are you listening to right now? Hot Fuzz
What is your favorite color? Subaru Rally Blue
How many tattoos do you have? none yet
What would you like to do before you die? Make the Empire a successful animated cartoon, graphic novel, and whatever we can do with this, the skies the limit
Full name: Scott Keith Hess
What are you most afraid of? abandonment
what is the most recent movie you saw in theather? James Bond 007 Quantum of Solace
Have you ever seen a ghost? not yet
where were you born? ogden UT
Have you ever been to Alaska? stupid parents left me behind
Ever been toilet papering? not yet
Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? now that i think about it... outside of family... no
Croutons or bacon bits? both
favorite day of the week? day off
Favorite restaurant? its quickly becoming Johnny Carinos
Favorite flower? Red Rose
Favorite sport? Clan matches (videogames)
Favorite Drink? Martilelli cider
Favorite ice cream? white chocolate with gummy bears, pie crust, and caramel
Favorite fast food spot? Panda express
What color is your bedroom carpet? Forrest green with a little grey
How many times did you fail your drivers test? aced it first time (look who your talking to)
What do you do most often when your bored? live in the internet
Bedtime? "holy crap its late, i need to get some sleep"
Favorite TV shows? Mythbusters, Future weapons, Chowder, ANIME!!!
What are you listening to right now? Hot Fuzz
What is your favorite color? Subaru Rally Blue
How many tattoos do you have? none yet
What would you like to do before you die? Make the Empire a successful animated cartoon, graphic novel, and whatever we can do with this, the skies the limit
More tag stuff
ok so if you havent noticed im going around to the other blogs and looking at tags they've gotten, i have nothing better to do so im going to do one now
A-Attached or single? Single
B-Best friend? Josh
C-Cake or pie? PIE
D-Day of choice? my day off
E-Essential item? probably... my emergency stash of Ramen
F-Favorite color? Subaru Rally blue
G-Gummy bears or worms? Bears
H-Hometown? city of T
I-Indulgence? sweets
J-January or july? without question july, guess why
K-Kids? considering who does these i think we can easily drop this for something new
L-Life isnt complete without? friends and happiness
M-Marriage date? see the letter K
N-Number of brothers and sisters? 1 sister
O-Oranges or apples? oranges with salt
P-Phobias? hospitals
Q-Quotes? "being a writer can be lonely" Stephen king
R-Reason to smile? friends
S-Season of choice? that nice moment between autumn and summer
T-Tag seven people! its a little late
U-Unknown fact about me? im adopted
V-Vegetable? corn
X-X-ray or ultrasound? either way you'll be getting some Rads
Y-Your favorite food? italian
Z-Zodiac sign? Cancer
A-Attached or single? Single
B-Best friend? Josh
C-Cake or pie? PIE
D-Day of choice? my day off
E-Essential item? probably... my emergency stash of Ramen
F-Favorite color? Subaru Rally blue
G-Gummy bears or worms? Bears
H-Hometown? city of T
I-Indulgence? sweets
J-January or july? without question july, guess why
K-Kids? considering who does these i think we can easily drop this for something new
L-Life isnt complete without? friends and happiness
M-Marriage date? see the letter K
N-Number of brothers and sisters? 1 sister
O-Oranges or apples? oranges with salt
P-Phobias? hospitals
Q-Quotes? "being a writer can be lonely" Stephen king
R-Reason to smile? friends
S-Season of choice? that nice moment between autumn and summer
T-Tag seven people! its a little late
U-Unknown fact about me? im adopted
V-Vegetable? corn
X-X-ray or ultrasound? either way you'll be getting some Rads
Y-Your favorite food? italian
Z-Zodiac sign? Cancer
4th picture...4CHAN!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
7 things... why not 10?
7 things to do before i die
-make a super fast car
-move out
-have a NCMO
-cheat death
-make the Empire a huge success
-write a book
-become a true Otaku
7 things i cannot do
-quit my crappy job
-meet someone
-have faith in our society
-have self confidence
-make a living wage
-draw/sketch well
-stand poor weather
7 things i say most often
-"i guess so"
-"ill get you if its the last thing i do"
-"sorry... i dont wast gas like that"
-"damn you people and your old ass cars"
-"i hate rain"
7 books i love
-Rated F
-Stephen kings "on writing"
-The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
-The zombie survival guide
-Resident evil series
-most manga
7 movies i can watch over and over again
-Super troopers
-shawn of the dead
-hot fuzz
-monty python
-star wars
-blazing saddles
-make a super fast car
-move out
-have a NCMO
-cheat death
-make the Empire a huge success
-write a book
-become a true Otaku
7 things i cannot do
-quit my crappy job
-meet someone
-have faith in our society
-have self confidence
-make a living wage
-draw/sketch well
-stand poor weather
7 things i say most often
-"i guess so"
-"ill get you if its the last thing i do"
-"sorry... i dont wast gas like that"
-"damn you people and your old ass cars"
-"i hate rain"
7 books i love
-Rated F
-Stephen kings "on writing"
-The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
-The zombie survival guide
-Resident evil series
-most manga
7 movies i can watch over and over again
-Super troopers
-shawn of the dead
-hot fuzz
-monty python
-star wars
-blazing saddles
Scott needs... ... woah!
scott needs nude modeling
No old people would be appreciated
scott needs this!
really? are you sure?
scott needs...
yes... yes i know
scott needs help from the oregonian
damn oregoneans
scott needs a change of style
well... i did get a new vest
scott needs help drinking vino
its just so nasty
scott needs linkedin
well if you say so but i prefer to have LOLKATZ
scott needs facebook
how about sackbook
No old people would be appreciated
scott needs this!
really? are you sure?
scott needs...
yes... yes i know
scott needs help from the oregonian
damn oregoneans
scott needs a change of style
well... i did get a new vest
scott needs help drinking vino
its just so nasty
scott needs linkedin
well if you say so but i prefer to have LOLKATZ
scott needs facebook
how about sackbook
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